About us

Providing a green energy network for Wales

We're acting now to build and operate a green energy network for Wales, that will make sure 100% renewable energy can flow to our homes, hospitals, schools, businesses, and communities.

We're playing a pivotal role in providing a reliable and robust distribution network that will tackle the energy crisis, climate crisis, as well as the cost-of-living crisis. It will also empower rural communities through investment, jobs, and skills, enabling communities to live modern electric lives.

Our ambitious proposals will see us increase renewable energy within Wales, helping address the biggest threat facing future generations - the climate emergency.

We are part of the Bute Energy Group and will connect the renewable energy generated by Bute Energy's wind and solar parks to the national grid.

Our green grid network will be designed to enable the connection of other organisations' energy parks, community projects and support energy resilience. It also has the capacity to support technologies like 5G that could help farmers, schools, and businesses to be at the cutting edge of technology while being based in a rural area.

Community benefit fund

We have a vision for a healthier, wealthier Wales that uses energy generation as a positive power for the world, for Wales, for local communities - for this and future generations.

We'll be investing approximately £800m over 40 years to the communities closest to our projects through our independently governed Community Benefit Fund. The fund will be open to proposals from organisations and groups impacting positively on communities closest to our projects.

Our team is already working with communities to understand their aspirations for their area and to understand some of the main challenges they face. It will focus on supporting the creation of healthier, wealthier communities by:

  • supporting recreational, health and wellbeing improvements

  • enhancing local education offering

  • identifying more pathways into employment for local people

  • highlighting opportunities to celebrate local culture, heritage and biodiversity

Where would you like the money to be invested? Whatever it is, during our public consultation, we'd like to hear your thoughts to better understand how best to spend this money.

Project animation

Watch our project film to find out more about the project, and why it is essential.

Your smarter, renewable future starts today.

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