The planning process and next steps
New high voltage electricity lines longer than 2km, and partly or wholly in England, are classified as a Nationally Significant Infrastructure Project (NSIP) under the Planning Act 2008.
This process requires that applications for development consent are determined by a Secretary of State, rather than by the local planning authority (such as a county council). Developers of NSIPs require a Development Consent Order (DCO) before proposals can be built.
Based on our work and consultation to date, we anticipate the Project will include an overhead line greater than 2km in length and we will therefore require a DCO.
A statutory consultation is a part of the process of obtaining a Development Consent Order (DCO) for a Nationally Significant Infrastructure Project (NSIP). It is an opportunity for people to review and comment on detailed proposals for a DCO.

What happens next
After the consultation, to progress towards our application, we will:
- Review our proposals in light of feedback received and our ongoing assessments to see if there are ways we can improve them.
- Consider how the transport and construction work could be undertaken and look at opportunities to reduce the effects of this on the area, including properties, businesses and recreation. This would include how potential road closures could be best managed around the underground section. We would always ensure properties can be accessed during construction.
- Finalise requirements for tree and hedgerow clearance and how we would manage the effects of this, including reinstatement.
- Consider the visual impact of the connection to establish what further mitigation measures may be needed, which may include landscaping or planting to screen equipment.
- Look carefully at the likely environmental effects of the proposed connection and if any mitigation measures are needed.

Our application
When we’re happy the proposals are ready, we’ll prepare our application and the supporting documents. This would include a Consultation Report, to explain how we’ve taken your views into account, and an Environmental Statement, to explain the likely environmental effects of our proposal.
When our proposals are finalised following consultation, we will make an application for a DCO to the Planning Inspectorate.
The planning process provides further opportunities for people to put their comments to the determining bodies so these can be considered alongside our application.
The Planning Inspectorate will appoint an Examining Authority to examine the DCO application and make a recommendation to the relevant Secretary of State with responsibility for deciding the application. For our project this this would be the Secretary of State for Energy Security and Net Zero.
Project timeline
September - First public consultation
Second and statutory public consultation
Submit our development consent order for review
Earliest the application would be decided
Construction begins if the project is consented
Vyrnwy Frankton connection is operational
Provide your feedback
You can respond to the consultation online. Please send your comments or feedback to us using the feedback form here.
Provide your feedback