Our proposals
The existing electricity network does not have the capacity to connect the proposed energy parks.
Green GEN Cymru is providing a new connection so the energy generated can be used in homes and businesses, locally and nationally.
The new connection needs to have sufficient capacity to carry the energy from potential onshore wind developments in Mid Wales.
We've assessed options for how and where to connect the new energy parks to the existing electricity network, looking at options in Shropshire, North and South Wales.
A collector substation and a new 132 kV connection to the national transmission network in Shropshire is most efficient way to do this - it would provide capacity for Llyn Lort and other proposed windfarms in Mid Wales and avoid the need for a network of many, smaller individual connections.
We also assessed options for a route for the new connection. While developing the proposed route we considered the Holford Rules, which set out principles for routeing overhead lines, including choosing natural backgrounds rather than sky backgrounds, and using open valleys with wooded areas rather than areas at height.
We're proposing 27 metre steel lattice pylons. These are much shorter and less bulky than the pylons proposed previously in the area by National Grid - any visual effects are significantly less as a result.
Our preferred route
This map shows the project status at our first stage consultation in October 2023. It will be revised to show the updated draft route alignment on 19 February 2025.
The planning process
Proposed new 132kV overhead line projects that are more than 2km in length and are partly in England and partly in Wales are classified as Nationally Significant Infrastructure Projects (NSIPs).
Developers of NSIPs must apply to the UK Government, via the Planning Inspectorate, for a development consent order to build and operate their projects. This process places several requirements on developers including thorough environmental assessment, and consultation with communities and stakeholders.
As our current proposals are for overhead lines we are following this process. You can read more about the planning process here.
Our consultation in autumn 2023 was the first in a two stage process - there will be a second and statutory consultation in early 2025.
Project timeline
September 2023 - First public consultation
Second and statutory public consultation
Submit our development consent order for review
Earliest the application would be decided
Construction begins if the project is consented
Vyrnwy Frankton Project is operational
Your smarter, renewable future starts today.
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