The Project

Why the project is needed

Climate change is threatening our livelihoods, landscapes and wildlife.

The challenges of climate change are well recognised by the UK and Welsh Governments, and the local authorities in Powys and Shropshire. Both councils report that the effects of climate change are already being seen in the counties.

The UK and Welsh Governments both want to accelerate the development of renewable energy as part of plans to address the climate emergency.

As we move away from fossil fuels, new energy generation will be located where it can capture sustainable sources like wind, tidal and solar. The electricity grid will also change to connect these new sources to homes and businesses.

In Mid Wales and Shropshire, the existing electricity network does not have the capacity to connect new renewables to homes and businesses, locally and nationally - to end the use of fossil fuels we need new infrastructure and quickly. If we do not upgrade the electricity network quickly, we risk missing renewable targets and failing to address the climate emergency.

Green GEN Cymru's Vyrnwy Frankton Project will mean that the energy generated by new energy parks can be used in homes and businesses, locally and nationally.

The infrastructure we need to transition to a low carbon economy can also bring many benefits. It has the potential to create new skills and jobs, nationally and locally. And it will support the adoption of low carbon technologies in our homes and businesses.

Addressing the climate emergency means:

Climate Emergency Statistics.

Your smarter, renewable future starts today.

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