Providing feedback

Our proposals are still open to influence, and we’d like your feedback so we can continue to look at ways to keep effects as low as we can. Please tell us if there are changes you think we can make to improve them or reduce impacts and, importantly, why.

We’re asking for comments on all of our proposals, including:

  • Grug y Mynydd collector substation in Powys
  • Underground cable and its cable sealing end compound
  • Cors y Carreg cable sealing end compound
  • The connection alignment including pylon locations
  • Switching station in Lower Frankton
  • Areas required for construction such as works compounds

There are several ways to provide project feedback.

We can only consider feedback about proposals, not wider themes such as energy generation or government policy.

Please provide feedback about our proposals only. The more detail you can provide, the better we can understand the potential impacts of our work.

Please submit your feedback to us by 23:59 on Wednesday 16 April 2025.

Any feedback received after this date may not be considered by our team. All the feedback we receive will be reviewed and carefully considered as we develop and submit our plans.

Provide your feedback

You can respond to the consultation online. Please send your comments or feedback to us using the feedback form here.

Provide your feedback

Your smarter, renewable future starts today.

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